NWC to Host August 3 Mini-Conference

NWC to Host August 3 Mini-Conference

Water canal running beside field

In lieu of a full-day, in-person event, the Nebraska Water Center hosted a 2020 Mini-Conference – from 2-4 p.m. CDT on August 3 – with two virtual sessions on the hydrogeology and sociology of water resources in western Nebraska.

Together with partners at the UNL Panhandle Research and Extension Center, the first session features Nebraska researchers Steve Sibray and Troy Gilmore who presented western Nebraska’s unique hydrogeology. The second session features the Water for Agriculture Project, a USDA-NIFA-funded effort focused on stakeholder engagement for addressing critical issues at the nexus of water and agriculture. Presenters included Nebraska team members Mark Burbach and Jessica Groskopf, and collaborators Wes Eaton, Penn State University, and Jason Farnsworth, Platte River Recovery & Implementation Program.

Please see below for more details, including session abstracts and speaker information. Both sessions will be posted to NWC’s YouTube channel.

Conference Video Recording


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